k-e-n-z-0 - The BEAUTIFUL DAYS.http://k-e-n-z-0.cowblog.frCON' FISERIES & NERIES. * ● [ ♫ ] When I pray for sun, it rains. I'm so sick of wasting time. ~ ♪ ~ Life is mol, sérieux. x'] But keep the smile =D. Malgrès tout, la vie est belle, non ? ( ❾❼❹ mi[aim]aou. ♥ ) ■ Se surpasser.CowblogfrSun, 08 Aug 2010 13:49:56 +0200180http://k-e-n-z-0.cowblog.fr/what-if-you-should-decide-that-you-don-t-want-me-there-in-your-life-that-you-don-t-want-me-there-by-your-side-3026423.htmlWhat if you should decide that you don't want... me there in your life. That you don't want me there by your side. ♪
Au vu de ta frimousse, de ton style d'écriture, de l'emploi de la troisième personne du singulier, de cet habillage sombre, de ce ton pourtant coloré, je ne pourrais qu'aimer ton site =) la bienvenue et patati et patata bonne continuation =)]]>
Sun, 08 Aug 2010 16:02:23 +0200http://k-e-n-z-0.cowblog.fr/what-if-you-should-decide-that-you-don-t-want-me-there-in-your-life-that-you-don-t-want-me-there-by-your-side-3026423.html